Nedap offers several data connections for exchanging data relating to its dairy and cattle management solutions. Get to know the packages here and learn how they can benefit you. Each data connection described below gives you access to one or more API endpoints. If you want to dive deeper into these endpoints, please check the  API reference page.

Basic Connections

This is the Basic Connection, which makes it possible to exchange individual animal  data from Nedap solutions with other systems. This  connection contains the API endpoints: Animals, Calendar, Groups, Attentions, Installations and Locations.
The Sire Advice connection is used to import mating advices per animal into the Nedap solutions. This  connection contains the API endpoint: Sire Advice.

  • Animals: Lifenumber, name, condition, number, feedgroup, location, responders, sex, supply and departure date
  • Calendar: Birth, calving, custom events, dryoff, heat, keep open, insemination and pregnancy check dates
  • Groups: Type and number
  • Installations: Serial number, country, software version, timezone and last synchronization timestamp
  • Locations: Type and number
  • Attentions: Animal and group attentions
  • Sire advices:Three sire advices per cow (sexed and unsexed sires possible)


Exchanging calendar data between systems so that data only needs to be entered once by the end-user,  which ensures ease and reduces time and error sensitivity.

Heat and Health attentions from the Nedap COWcontrol™ system can be integrated with (external) dairy management programs and combined with additional data from that system for added value.


Contact us  for more information about the rate of this connection.

Tag data exchange Connections

The Tag data exchange connection is an additional package with detailed information regarding Heat Detection and Health and Management. The  connection makes it possible to display detailed heat and behaviour graphs and to do additional analysis. This  connection contains the API endpoints: Heat detection advanced and Health and Management advanced.

  • Activity day totals of individual animals
  • Activity data (2 hr attention strength)
  • Historical heat attentions
  • Eating: Individual day totals and group day totals of eating time
  • Lying: Individual day totals and group day totals of lying time, standing time and standup counter
  • Steps: Individual day totals and group day totals of the number of steps
  • Rumination: Individual day totals and group day totals of rumination time and inactive time


  • Combining health-related behavior data from the Nedap COWcontrol™ system with for instance milk information or feed data.
  • Exchanging health-related behavior data from the Nedap COWcontrol™ system with verterinary systems.


Contact us  for more information about the rate of this connection.

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Technical details API endpoints

If you want to read more about the technical details about specific endpoints that belong to the packages above, please check the API reference page.

Go to the API reference

Open for ideas

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Nedap is open to developing connections that are of value to the livestock industry. Please feel free to contact us with any ideas.

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Request and register you application and get farmers' permission.

Take the first steps to make connections

How to get permission from farmers to access their Nedap Livestock solutions